Procrastination is just a euphemism for Running away

Akshi Bhargava
2 min readNov 21, 2021

So why is it that we rely on delaying deeds that are to be done? In a world where most people seek transparency and simplicity, why is it that those same people seldom invite complexities? Are we already or do we tend to become so naive that we believe something good will come out of the pile of works we have modelled for ourselves? Well, no one knows anything for sure? This is an attempt to understand where it all leads to.

Procrastinators, rather everyone for that matter, know that a delay in action made primarily due to laziness leads to no good at all. And still, we refuse to learn from our mistakes. I believe this cycle has throve because everything somehow seems to work out and in the end, for the moment at least. Even I am no better than what I have portrayed here.

I create this deep well for myself where I let everything go beyond my control and I somehow contain it in the end. Even now when I use ‘we’ as a generic pronoun, I am inevitably procrastinating the acceptance I require to inculcate for leaving this notorious habit behind. I am gracefully being a coward and choosing to run away from what I can and what I must accomplish.

The first thing that I have to understand is to accept the very fact that I am running away. Only then I can stop. The sense of contentment I achieve by accomplishing tasks often offers enough motivation to change myself for the better. However menial the task may be, a task done is a task won. And the more tasks checked on the list, the more attractive the list becomes. Starting from making your bed, including a fruit in your diet, walking for just 15 mins daily, cooking for yourself and a never-ending list of humdrum chores, when done, will prompt you to pick something big up and push you to see it through the end. This might very well absolve the habit of running away.

Start small and let the waves take over

Such a sense of running away leads to an abyssal cocoon. You might feel protected and at ease at first, but it’s a honeytrap set by you for yourself. This sense surrounds us and we make unwise decisions. These decisions might not be as impactful but that is what we build of ourselves. The goal of being better than yesterday is left in the mud.

The conclusion at which I have arrived for myself is to start small. I am sure I will reach where I have envisioned myself. Do try it for yourself. ✌🏻😁



Akshi Bhargava

Kung Fu Instructor. It's all about perception. There are many angles to look at things and I’d like to unveil all of them because waves are forever changing.😁✌