
Akshi Bhargava
Nov 18, 2021


In a world where I am tagged as a dabbler,
which is almost correct,
As I am, yes, a total muddler.
In a world of uncanny possibilities,
On every step, there’s a door, erect.
Sometimes needed to innovate perfect,
That then results in untamed success,
But again, roads always have two ends;
Snow, rain, breeze, or spring instead
Yes I know the joy of it, And
I refuse to understand the tacit chains.
I am as rock prepared to take that chance,
On every step, there could be a door to a promised land.

Possibilities can be niche, but they are limitless as well.

I wonder how far the hope that I cling to will take me.
This is one of the poems that I wrote. I hope I was able to reach you.

